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Below are highlights of Monterey Bay Area... Click on the picture below to advance photos.

Welcome Facebook Friends! Enjoy the beautiful scenes of the Monterey Bay Area. Rick

Enjoy a great view of The Point Pino Lighthouse...Rp

A little fuzzy but cool colors. Rp

A little fuzzy due to it moving and limited light but very cool! Plus very FUN to watch! Rp

The name on the boat is "Reelization". I just love the names that people give to their boats! Rp

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A perfect day in Morro Bay!
Fun fact Morro Rock is 581 foot tall and can be seen for miles in all directions. Early year ship's Captains used it for navagation while traveling up and down the coast. Rp
Gallery first posted on 10-19-13
Morning Light and Friends - Morro Bay Harbor

Pam and I were headed to a restaurant when I saw this incredible shot. Sorry Babe, dinner is going to have to wait... just a bit.
Just a beautiful colorful photo of the bay. Rp

Same trees at the beach scene, just in Black and White. What would our world be without color??? Cool but not the same without color! Rp

Same trees at the beach scene, highlighted in a special effect. Still pretty cool but not the same. I love color in the orginial! Rp

Morro Rock from a different angle. What a calm scene. Rp

Morro Rock from a different angle. What a calm scene. Rp

This guy was having a great time gliding along the water. Rp

I found this sturdy, rugged little fishing vessel named "Mar-Y-Elena" docked at the end of the day. Check out the refection in the water and the gorgeous sunset. The "clouds" near Morro Rock is a fog bank headed in towards the Harbor. Rp

I took this photo at Moonstone Beach near Cambria,Ca. This was actually my second shot. My first was a rock out in the ocean surrounded by waves but when I zoomed in I found flowers going out of the center. My Mom always loved how flowers can grow just about anywhere. Mom, This one is for you! Rp

I was taking pictures of this Egret at Morro Bay State Beach when all of the sudden, out of the surf emerged this surfer. (Where did he come from? I didn't see him out there!)
It was a cold foggy day and I was noticing how COLD he looked and how cold he must have been and how crazy was this guy...when I noticed the blend of colors. The blues, the silvers, the white all blended together. I snapped a couple shots before he walked away. I do not know what the surfer's name is, but thanks for a great photo!!! Rp

This is one of my favorites. Taken near Morro Rock it captures the glow of the evening sun not only in the sky but reflective off the dark blue almost black water. The darkness right where sun is at the horizon is an incoming fog bank. It just adds to this majestic sunset. Rp

This photo was taken from up on Black Hill 640 ft. elevation over looking the town of Morro Bay. By manipulating my lens and knelling down below the trees,I was able to capture this incredible sight and unique look of Morro Rock. I have never seen a photo of "The Rock" quite like this. Rp

Captured at Black Hill like the last photo, but higher up and at a different angle. I manipulated the lens and trying to get all light I could from the colorful sunset but yet trying to keep the silhouette. Notice the sunset reflection in the water. Wow! Can I watch the sun go down every night from up here? Rp

OK... Here is another one of my favorites. Shot at Shell Beach on a cold foggy day. It looking back towards Dinosaur Park. I just loved the rugged old posts leaning in all directions and the yellow flowers against the green grass. Also the gray blue waters of the ocean due to the fog.
I submitted this photo along with two others to Kim Kommando's Photo Contest on her website. Among the thousands of entries this photo was chosen for honorable mention. No money nor first, second, or third place but I was proud to been shown on a major website! Rp

Same cold foggy day but looking the other direction. The sturdy white structure, the silhouettes of the trees, the green carpet of grass, the calmness of the sea, the call of the sea gulls, and the mysterious fog... all contribute to the incredible sight. Rp

Just sit and imagine...the cool sea breeze in your face, the sound of the waves crashing on shore, and the sound of sea gulls calling to each other. Sitting with your loved one or just by yourself. Just imagine... yourself being there in this photo. Just sitting and watching the waves for hours. I sure can! Rp

This is a great silhouette of the birds flying and the mysterious tree behind them in the dense fog. Who says you cannot take good pictures in the fog. Photographed at Shell Beach. Rp

Just as the sun is starting to set on a cold foggy day, I noticed that the birds were settling down and getting ready for the evening. When I took this photo, I received a cold chill from the ocean breeze, it was kind of a dark and not much color. I was very disappointed in the lack of color from the sunset.
Then when I processed the photo, I noticed the calmness in the photo and the calmness in the birds. They were very content and getting ready to settle in on this cold foggy night. Shell Beach, Ca. Rp

At Shell Beach there is a rock just off shore that is always covered with birds. On one side of it is this archway the water goes underneath, but you cannot tell how far. Just a nice shot of the calm blue ocean, the green grass, the yellow flowers and "The Archway." Rp

This a photo I took with my 35mm Camera back in the early 1980's. I saw him flying right by me. I followed him with my camera lens and clink. He lined up perfectly with the Rock. The quality is a little different because it was scanned. Rp

I have always loved the look the personalities of fishing vessels. No matter how big or small they are, they all look small on the huge Pacific Ocean. They each have intriguing names or Ladies Names. This is "Trudy S" a beautiful well taken care of ship. I would love to her some of her many fishing stories and places that she has been. All aboard... Let's go fishing! Morro Bay, Ca. Rp

Trudy has a few new friends now. A small row boat and a sailing ship, not sure of her name but she is a beauty. Cast off... lets go sailing! Rp

The end of a peaceful, perfect day. Catching the last glimpse of light as the sun sets in the fog. I call this my "Thinking" or "Deep Thought Bench." Taken near Shell Beach,Ca. Rp

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Below is highlights of Three Rivers, Ca.
The Hills are alive...with Color! A mountain full of California Poppies! Wow! In the foreground are Goldenrod wildflowers and lots of white wildflowers (I am not sure what their name is) What an incredible sight! Rp
Gallery first posted on 10-19-13
Same mountain just a different angle. What a amazing sight. I can find the million flowers...can you find the one??? Rp

The Hills are alive... But where is all of the color? This is the same mountain as " The Hills are alive... with COLOR" Just at a different time of year. Still a nice shot but a lot different without the Poppies! Rp

The water was calm. The hills were green. The water and sky blue. What a tranquil view. I just thought how colorful, peaceful and calming it is.
Wow... God is good. One of Rich Riggins favorites. (A friend of mine who just so happens to have this picture in his office.) Rp

My friend Lori Riggins just loved this photo. She named it the "Rock of Ages". The colors, smoothness yet ripples of the water turn to white-water as it flows in between the rocks. The evening sun gives it a glowing effect and an incredible reflection in the water. It was such tranquil feel but also you can see the effects of years of water flowing over and around it. Rp

The Arch type bridge was built in 1922 near the Gateway to Sequoia National Park. Notice the glowing golden effect of the sun on the white bridge and in the water. Rp

Near the Gateway to Sequoia National Park. Great food and nice scenery, dine inside or outside near the water of the Kaweah River. Rp
The "Lone Tree" in a pasture near Badger Hill. Incredible colors of green and yellow.
The photo I almost didn't get. The security guard at Badger Hill Estates almost let me take this picture since it was on private property. I'm sure glad I talked him into it. I just marveled at the colors. Rp
This the same tree,just a different look. I zoomed in to see the fence line, the branches of the tree, covered in a field of wild mustard seed. Rp
Just to the right of the Lone Tree, I found cattle grazing and resting in the shade. What a nice place to graze. Rp
Horse's Paradise - It doesn't get any better than this! Rp
One of my first signs that I am getting closer to Lake Kaweah and Three Rivers is the "Famous Rainbow Trout Rock" or some people call it "Hey It's the Fish Rock." A local artist keeps it painted every year. Lake Kaweah is just up the hill and around the bend! Rp

Picnic View of Lake Kaweah. Just sit back and enjoy the view! Feast your eyes on this sight. Rp

Moro Rock is a Granite Dome with the elevation of 6,725 feet and the prominence of 245 feet. There is a 400 step, 797 foot long stairway on the far side that leads to the summit of the rock built by the Park service in 1931. At the top you can see for miles including The Great Western Divide. The snow covered peak to the right I believe to be Panther Peak. What a beautiful view.
Moro Rock is often and easily confused with Morro Rock at Morro Bay California. See My Photo Projects - Central Coast for photos of the Coastal Morro Rock. Rp

Not much to say except the contrast of color caught my eye. The other thing I got from this picture looking at all of the greenery around it and that is... It is OK to be different and to stand out in a crowd. You do not have to be like everyone else around you. You might even brighten up the place! Rp
This beautiful peak near town. I am not sure of the name of it. But from time to time in the spring waterfalls can be seen flowing off of mountain. An incredible sight. Rp
Lupine in all of its glory! I took this photo for my Mother. She has always loved flowers, especially wildflowers. I think she knows the name to every flower. Rp
I was taking pictures of the meadow and the mountains in the background near here when I discovered this jewel of a location. Rp
After the Farm House and Windmill shots I was headed back to the car and this fantastic contrast of white blossoms from the tree to the bright deep green of the hills! Wow! Beauty in all directions! Rp
The rocks, the dark green moss on the boulders of granite, the shade from the Oak trees, the sun shinning through, just an beautiful scenic shot in the foothills of Three Rivers. Rp
I just love this "Majestic Old Oak Tree". You would never know it was near the roadway. I was taking pictures across the street ( The 2 photos after this one) I was headed back to my car, when I noticed this old oak tree in a splendor of wildflowers, the late afternoon sun lit up the grass and wildflowers. Also I noticed the green hills in the background. I had to get this shot. So I waited for the cars to go by and zoomed in and took the shot. What you see is the results. Rp
Just across the road and up the hill a bit, I found this spectacular scene. The shade from the Oaks, the sun peaking through highlighting this amazing patch of Poppies.
Here is an incredible sight of the Poppies and other wildflowers after you cross the Horsetail Creek Bridge headed into Three Rivers. I'm telling you, "The Hills are alive...with COLOR!" Rp
This mountain was just covered with poppies. It had a different color or it could of been from the late afternoon sun or the angle, but what a spectacular sight! Rp
I was trying to capture the glow of the poppies, the blue sky in the back ground, when a jet flew over. Needless to say by the time I was ready to take my shot ... the jet flew by already. Only thing left is a vapor trail. Still a great photo. Rp
I found this scene of Poppies as I was headed back home. I just had to pull over and walk back to capture this beautiful sun-drenched, blue sky scene. Rp

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Such a majestic sight. Half Dome and all of her glory. Taken near Curry Village. Rp
Gallery first posted on 10-19-13

Last stop looking back to the Valley Floor on a bright sunny day before heading home. Rp

Same location but a different day. It was a cloudy overcast day but still a beautiful shot. Rp

What an awesome, majestic sight! Rp

I love this Stone Bridge going over the Merced River. The greenery surrounding it, the sound of the flowing water. I want to cross that bridge... and I did after I took this photo. Rp

Not only is this is great view of the upper Yosemite Falls but a great view the Merced River and the foot bridge. Wow! What scenery. Rp
Breathtaking! That's all that needs to be said. Rp
This angle of the falls and getting both falls in is very rare. I lot of the times you will see photos of one or the other, or even both lined up vertically but not at this angle. A very unique shot. OK... It's one of my favorites!!! Rp
Check this out. You can literally see the wind blow back the spray as the water goes over Bridalveil Falls. A nice zoom shot. Rp
Half Dome in all of her splendor. This photo was taken from Glacier Point an estimated 4 to 5 miles away. That is how huge it is. Rp

This is a super close up picture of the very tip-top point of Half Dome. The part that hangs over is called The Diving Board. If you look very closely you can see people standing there, they may look small but stop and think that I took this photo several miles away at Glacier Point. Rp
Taken at about 6:00 am. To quote an old Cat Stephens tune ... "Morning has broken" A glorious sight! Rp

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Below is highlights of Kings Canyon
Believe it or not this photo was taken in July. The river was in full force! Wow! Rp
Galley first posted on 10-19-13.
Updated and revised on 10-26-13

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Below is highlights of Marina del Rey

Palm trees in the sky! Cool shot. Rp

I had never seen so many boats, yachts, and ships all in one place in all of my life! This is only one very small section of the dock, and there where hundreds of docks and thousands of boats! Wow what a sight!
I took this photo and the next photo while walking to dinner at Tony P's Dockside Grill. The food was excellent!

Same area just look to the right of the blue tarp. Rp

Marina del Rey, I have heard of the place for years, but I had never been there. Now I have! Just south of Venice Beach and just north of LAX. Totally different than the Central Coast but beautiful in it's own way. This was our view out of our hotel window. We stayed at the Marina del Rey Hotel.
First posted 10-20-13

Same location, just a different area. Rp

This is just one of many teams of rowers that Pam and I saw. I was amazing how quite and smooth the boat was. Some did chants or songs to the rhythm of the rowing. Sometimes the coach sitting on the far end (on the right) would call out instructions. It looks like he had the best job and better scenery looking forward instead of backwards. Rp

I just liked the colors and the type of boat. Very Nice! It may have been a fishing boat judging by the net poles in the back, but it was far different than the rugged fishing boats of Morro Bay. Once again, nice boat. Rp

This is a different view of the harbor looking north. The tall building is the Ritz-Carlton Hotel about $379.00 plus per night. I guess, If you can afford a yacht, I am sure you can afford to stay here. Rp

You cannot tell in this photo, but in the bow of this yacht, there is a wedding going on and later the wedding reception. See next photo. Rp

There's the wedding I was referring to. It sure is nice to be able to ZOOM in. Rp

When I see a sail boat, I just keep hearing Christopher Cross's song SSSSSSAAAAAAAiiiiiiLLLLLLLLiiiiiiNNNNNNGGGGGG!!!!! "SAILING" Rp
This one almost got by me. Rp
Our room was the second balcony from the left on the top floor. A great view. Rp
The gazebo in the evening. Rp

Sunset at the gazebo. Rp

Just a nice sunset on the clouds and palm trees. Rp

Same sunset and boat just flowers in the foreground. This a vertical shot. Rp

Same sunset and boat just flowers in the foreground. This a horizontial shot. Rp

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Rick Patterson's Natures View Photography