"The Perfect View"... from Pacific Grove, California
Welcome Facebook Friends! Enjoy the beautiful scenes of the Monterey Bay Area. Rick

"Shades of Blue" Pacific Grove, California

"Splash Time" in Pacific Grove, California

"Teal Waves" in Pacific Grove, California
"The Deep Blue Sea" in Pacific Grove, California

"Teal Bay" in Pacific Grove, California

Silhouette of the Point Pinos Lighthouse in Pacific Grove, California

The Point Pino Lighthouse in Pacific Grove, California
Enjoy a great view of The Point Pino Lighthouse...Rp

"Walk this Way" Monterey Bay Coastal Recreation Trail in Pacific Grove, California

Lovers Point in Pacific Grove, California

Pacific Grove Vista

"Shrimp" at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

"Some cool looking Sea Creatures" at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

Pamela at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

Jellyfish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
A little fuzzy but cool colors. Rp

A huge Jellyfish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
A little fuzzy due to it moving and limited light but very cool! Plus very FUN to watch! Rp

Humpback Whale at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

"Bay View" at Monterey Bay

"Harbor View" at the at the Monterey Bay Marina
The name on the boat is "Reelization". I just love the names that people give to their boats! Rp

"End of the Day" from Pacific Grove
"Follow me home..." flying above the sea at Pacific Grove

"The beautiful Carmel Beach" at Carmel by the Sea, California

"The best view in town" at Carmel by the Sea, California

Pamela on Carmel Beach

"Look out for the Duck!!!" on 17 Mile Drive at Pebble Beach, California

"The Fairway and the Sea" on 17 Mile Drive at Pebble Beach, California
"White Splashes and Sandy White Beaches" on 17 Mile Drive at Pebble Beach, California
" A Beautiful Day at Coast" on 17 Mile Drive at Pebble Beach, California

The Famous Monterey Cypress Tree on 17 Mile Drive at Pebble Beach, California
" A Silhouette look of Stillwater Cove on 17 Mile Drive at Pebble Beach, California
Thanks for for viewing! Check out more featured galleries in "Welcome to my World" and "Enjoy some Music and sample slideshows!" Thanks again! Rick

Enjoy a great view of The Point Pino Lighthouse...Rp
A little fuzzy due to it moving and limited light but very cool! Plus very FUN to watch! Rp
The name on the boat is "Reelization". I just love the names that people give to their boats! Rp
Thanks for for viewing! Check out more featured galleries in "Welcome to my World" and "Enjoy some Music and sample slideshows!" Thanks again! Rick
Welcome Facebook Friends! Enjoy the beautiful scenes of the Monterey Bay Area. Rick